mythopoeic$501412$ - перевод на голландский
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mythopoeic$501412$ - перевод на голландский

Mythopoeic Award; Mythopoeic Fantasy Award; Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Adult Literature

adj. geneigd tot het bedenken van mythen; aanleiding gevend tot mythen


·adj Making or producing myths; giving rise to mythical narratives.


Mythopoeic Awards

The Mythopoeic Awards for literature and literary studies are given annually for outstanding works in the fields of myth, fantasy, and the scholarly study of these areas. Established by the Mythopoeic Society in 1971, the Mythopoeic Fantasy Award is given for "fiction in the spirit of the Inklings", and the Scholarship Award for non-fiction work. The award is a statuette of a seated lion, with a plaque on the base. It has drawn resemblance to, and is often called, the "Aslan".

The Mythopoeic Award is one of the "principal annual awards" for fantasy according to critic Brian Stableford. From 1971 to 1991, there was one award per category, annual but not always awarded before 1981. Dual awards in each category were established in 1992: Mythopoeic Fantasy Awards for Adult Literature and Children's Literature; Scholarship Awards in Inklings Studies, and Myth and Fantasy Studies. In 2010, a Student Paper Award was introduced for the best paper presented at Mythcon by an undergraduate or graduate student; it was renamed the Alexei Kondratiev Award several months after its creation.

The 2022 winners were announced at Mythcon 52 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.